2024年12月10日(火) - 12月15日(日)の期間、トーテムポールフォトギャラリーにて開催される展覧会「大きな物語の歴史II / 大地と闘争」に先駆け、前回の展示のアーカイブを公開します。
写真展「大きな物語の歴史」は、2021年から制作している、三里塚闘争、成田国際空港を題材にした作品の第二弾として、2023年12月12日(火) - 12月24日(日)の会期で開催されました。
I became interested in the Sanrizuka struggle around two years ago, in the summer. Although I initially had a fragmented understanding of the struggle, my interest grew when I learned of an exhibition by a photographer who had captured images of Sanrizuka. Driven by curiosity, I began researching to gain a deeper understanding of the situation at the time and found myself frequently visiting the area.
This grassroots movement, which has ties to contemporary political issues, is perhaps an ideal place for those looking to voice their dissent in society. A diverse range of people have come and gone from this area. Initially, I was exploring that very diversity. However, I felt that the land, with its vast history, possessed a powerful force that might overshadow individual beliefs.
I decided to adopt a neutral stance, focusing on observing the landscapes where the struggle took place. While the movement is still ongoing, I wanted to view it as a "struggle of the past" from an objective perspective. Although Shinsuke Ogawa reportedly said that one should shoot from the farmers' viewpoint and that neutrality is deceptive, I chose to pursue the middle path as an ideal, rather than the methodology of a "participatory film."
What does it mean to see the grand narratives of the past through landscapes? The students who fervently believed in revolution. The farmers who dreamed of a new liberated zone, a utopia, when the airport construction was halted. The people who hoped for the growth of the nation thanks to the airport. As grand narratives are becoming prominent again, could we perhaps derive new ideas by observing the structures of past ideological conflicts through these landscapes?
会期 : 2023年12月12日(火) - 12月24日(日) 月曜日休廊
会場 : Totem Pole Photo Gallery
160-0004 東京都新宿区四谷四丁目22 第二富士川ビル1F
開廊時間 : 火曜~日曜 正午12時 - 午後7時
Totem Pole Photo Gallery
info@tppg.jp / https://tppg.jp / 03-3341-9341
h.sakata0116@gmail.com / https://sakataharuto.amebaownd.com / 090-6397-5487