写真展「壊死するフウケイⅡ 〜 風景の変奏」



この展覧会は、成田国際空港、三里塚闘争をテーマにした写真展の第三弾である。 現在、成田空港では新しい滑走路の建設が進んでいる。約1000haの建設用地(現在の空港敷地は1198ha)が買収される事で、空港の南東に広がる古くからの里山や明治以来の開墾地が失われてしまうのだ。現在では、土地買収が進み、少しずつ人家の移転が始まっている。また、発掘調査や滑走路建設の準備工事も行われている。



This exhibition is the third in a series of photo exhibits focused on Narita International Airport and the Sanrizuka Struggle. Narita Airport is currently expanding with the construction of a new runway. This expansion, involving the acquisition of about 1,000 hectares (with the existing airport area being 1,198 hectares), threatens to erase centuries-old woodlands and cultivated areas dating back to the Meiji era, located to the southeast of the airport. The process of land acquisition is moving forward, with homes beginning to be relocated. Archaeological surveys and preparatory works for the runway construction are also underway.

This area is famous for its vehement protests against the airport's construction, inspiring a myriad of movies, photo books, plays and artworks, thus becoming a sort of holy ground for protest art. Back then, recording and photographing by protesters was commonplace. However, rather than creating directly within this context, I opted to deliberately leave out human subjects in my photography. By coldly observing and methodically documenting the landscape, I sought to maintain a neutral stance, moving beyond superficial humanism.

The video piece captures last summer's ceremonial sumo wrestling event held at Kashima Shrine in Hishida, Shibayama Town. This annual event faces the threat of discontinuation with the construction of the runway. The exhibition also features a video work that documents the local scenery.

会期 : 2024年1月23日(火) - 2月4日(日) 月曜日休廊
会場 : Totem Pole Photo Gallery
160-0004 東京都新宿区四谷四丁目22 第二富士川ビル1F
開廊時間 : 火曜~日曜 正午12時 - 午後7時
Totem Pole Photo Gallery
info@tppg.jp / https://tppg.jp / 03-3341-9341
h.sakata0116@gmail.com / https://sakataharuto.amebaownd.com / 090-6397-5487 


写真家 佐方晴登の公式ウェブサイトです。 Official website of photographer Haruto Sakata.


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